Multum in Parvo


Multum in Parvo

‘Much in little, is this what I’ve become?’

Multum in Parvo is the new collection by Jane Weir

Listen to a selection of poems from Much in Parvo

‘Janey’   ‘Multum in Parvo’   ‘Sundial’

‘Heron’   ‘Interior in Design in Wuthering Heights’   ‘Bunny Wood’



Jane Weir is Anglo-Italian, born in Manchester and is a textile designer, writer and editor. Her poetry collections are The  Way I Dressed During the Revolution (2005) Before Playing Romeo (2007), Anna Magnani, eat with me (2016), Man about the Place (2018) and Stricken Fields (2020).

The innovative poetic biographies, Walking the Block (2008) and Spine (2012) are preoccupied with the creative lives of two Modernist textile designers and handblock printers, Phyllis Barron and Dorothy Larcher. Her work is recognised in literary and design awards and published in audio format by the Poetry Archive.

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