Cry Wolf


Cry Wolf was launched at the closing event of the 2012 Derwent Poetry Festival, Masson Mills, Matlock bath and is the second of the Templar Straid Award Collections launched at the festival.

Cry Wolf  cries wolf thirty odd times. It cries wolf with the trapped miner, the lone herder, the locked up dissenter, the downtrodden people, the family of the dying and the dead, the hungry body, the thirsty soul, the mother robbed of her child, the abused child. Because the wolf is there, and the world so busy, weary or deaf that even the wolf cries wolf.

The opening poem  "Edison Peña Runs The Six Miles" won the Poetry london Competitions 2011. Cry Wolf is by Cristina Navazo-Eguía Newton's first full collection in English.


Available online here and in all good booksellers.

Format: Paperback

ISBN 9782906285388